Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year, New Resolution!:)

Hey. WHUT, time flies so fast. Today, it's the 1st January of 2013. Can you believe that? it's 2013. Because I can't.. *slapping my face*. Hehe. By the way today is the first blank page of a 365 pages book. WRITE A GOOD ONE!:) Many things happened on the previous year, 2012. Some are sad and some are happy. But c'mon! That's LIFE..Alhamdulillah, only Allah knows how I feel right now, knowing that He still give me the chance to still breathing right now! Thank you Allah:') By the way, common things that people do every new year is setting a new GOAL or what we called Resolution. Hurm, so I have my own resolution as well.
  • To be a better person (not a different person) 
  • Study Hard (there's a big test next year, YR9)
  • To make my family proud of me
  • Khatam Al-Quran
  • To pray on time
  • To be a good friend
  • To be a solehah daughter
  • To be a role-model for my brothers
  • To seek for His blessing
Those are all that I could think. InsyaAllah ^_^